The Rooted Bed Beginnings


Hi there! I’m Kathryn. My gardening journey started in 2010 with a 10 square foot shaded garden bed. I’ve since developed a true love for perennial gardens - you know the kind of plants that come back year after year! I founded The Rooted Bed because I know how had it can be to get a flower bed started - what plants do you choose? Will the plants die? Will they look good together? Are they poisonous? So. Many. Questions.

The seed for The Rooted Bed was planted when my neighbor asked me for help on a small garden bed in her yard. Surprised and honored by the request, within an hour I had given her a hand sketched plan and a shopping list. She had the bed planted by the end of the day. Empowered, she has since gone on to cultivate her creative voice in the garden, with the occasional piece of advice from a friendly neighbor. Her story reflects the nudge so many need to feel empowered in creating their year-round gardens.

The Rooted Bed Mission: Empower the every-day gardener to have garden designs they love by providing a little creative nudge and encouragement to keep going - one bed at a time.

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